- Language Ethics (ed., with Daniel Weinstock), McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020.- Normative Language Policy: Ethics, Politics, Principles (with Leigh Oakes), Cambridge University Press, 2017.
*** Reviewed in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; Journal of Language and Politics; Language Policy; Journal of Sociolinguistics; Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development; Language Problems and Language Planning; Québec Studies.
*** Awards: nominated for the 2019 APSA Foundations of Political Theory David Easton Award.
- Language Policy and Political Theory: Building Bridges, Assessing Breaches (co-ed. with Tom Ricento and Peter Ives), Springer, 2015.
Journal Articles- The Complexities of Linguistic Discrimination (with Anna Drożdżowicz), Philosophical Psychology, special issue: Understanding Bias, 37 (6), 1459–1482 (2024) [Journal's most-read article in 2024].
- Solidarity and/in Language: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric. Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric, special issue: Theorising Solidarity, 14 (1), 79-102 (2024).
- The Practical Ethics of Linguistic Integration: Three Challenges. Metaphilosophy, Symposium: Linguistic Justice and Migration, 54 (5), 583-597 (2023).
- Language and Health (In)Equity in US Latinx Communities / (In)equidad sanitaria e idiomática en las comunidades latinx de EE. UU. (with Zack Berger). AMA Journal of Ethics (April 2022).
- Pluricentric Linguistic Justice in Quebec: An Attitudinal Study of the Politics of Norm Setting in French (with Leigh Oakes). Language Problems and Language Planning 45(3), 331-356 (2021).
- The Linguistic Boundary Problem. Citizenship Studies, special issue: Community, Everyday Citizenship and Language, 25(6), 825-842 (2021).
- Sound Reasoning: Why Accent Bias Matters for Democratic Theory (with Matteo Bonotti). Journal of Politics, 81(2), 411-425 (2019). [Journal's post-publication media spotlighting].
- The Ethics of Boycotting as Collective Anti-Normalisation. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 36(4), 527-542 (2019).
- Language Barriers and Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare Settings. Bioethics, special issue: Migration, health & ethics: Integrating discourses on the ethics of healthcare for migrants, 32(6), 360-367 (2018).
- Language and the Limits of Justice. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, special issue: Language Policy and Political Theory, 38(7), 645-657 (2017).
- Tongue-Tied: Rawls, Political Philosophy and Metalinguistic Awareness (with Matteo Bonotti), the American Political Science Review, 100(4), 798-811 (2016).
- Parity in the Plural: Language and Complex Equality. Language Problems and Language Planning, special issue: Linguistic Equality, 39(3), 283-297 (2015).
- Normative Language Policy: Interface and Interfences. Language Policy, special issue: Language Policy and Political Theory, 13(4), 301-315 (2014).
- Language, Rights and the Language of Language Rights: The Need for a New Conceptual Framework in the Political Theory of Language Policy. Journal of Language and Politics 10(3), 236-256 (2011).
Edited Journals and Editorials- The Ethics of Boycotting (symposium). Journal of Applied Philosophy (with Daniel Weinstock), vol. 36(4) (2019).
- Language Policy and Political Theory. Special Issue of Language Policy (with Tom Ricento and Peter Ives),13(4) (2014).
- Introduction to the Thematic Issue: Language Policy and Political Theory. Language Policy and Political Theory: special issue of Language Policy (with Tom Ricento and Peter Ives), 13(4), 295-300 (2014).
Book Chapters- Language Policy in Multilingual Societies: Practical Ethics and Ethical Practice. In Language Policy and Planning: State of Research and Future Directions, eds. J. Lo Bianco, A. Lundberg and B. Spolsky. London: Bloomsbury (forthcoming).
- Komplexitätsbasierte normative Ordnungen – Demokratische Verzweiflung und adaptive Hoffnung ("Complexity-Based Normative Orders: Democratic Despair and Adaptive Hope"). In Komplexität – System – Evolution: Eine transdisziplinäre Forschungsperspektive, eds. H. Schwalbe & M. Lutz-Bachmann. Freiburg i.Br. & München: Karl Alber, 2022 (pp. 146-164).
- Introduction: The Idea of Language Ethics as a Field of Inquiry. In Language Ethics, eds. Y. Peled and D. Weinstock. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020 (pp. 3-30).
- The Political Ethics of Linguistic In-Betweenness. In Language Politics and Policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States, ed. T. Ricento, Cambridge University Press, 2019 (pp. 45-59).
- Language Ethics and the Interdisciplinary Challenge. In The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, eds. J. W. Tollefson and M. Pérez-Milans, Oxford University Press, 2018 (pp. 140-161).
- Towards an Adaptive Approach to Linguistic Justice: Three Paradoxes. In Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches, eds. M. Gazzola, T. Tempin and B.-A. Wickström, Springer, 2018 (pp.173-188).
- Marching forward into the Past: Monolingual Multilingualism in Contemporary Political Theory. In Standard Languages and Multilingualism in European History, eds. M. Hüning and U. Vogl, John Benjamins, 2012 (pp. 71-96).
Book Reviews- Review of P. A. Kraus and F. Grin. The Politics of Multilingualism: Europeanisation, Globalisation and Linguistic Governance. Journal of Sociolinguistics 24(3), 407-410 (2020).
- The Domain of Disciplines: Review of H. J. Graff, Undisciplining Knowledge: Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth Century. Science 350, 168 (2015).
- One Tongue to Rule them All? Review of S. L. Montgomery, Does Science Need a Global Language? Science 343, 250-251 (2014).
- Review of S. Pupavac, Language Rights: From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance. Language in Society 43(3), 349-354 (2014).
- Review of P. van Parijs, Linguistic Justice for Europe and for the World. Language Policy 13(4), 413-415 (2014).
Working Papers and Proceedings- Language, Power, Ethics and Superdiversity, Working Papers in Language and Urban Literacies WP179/2015. Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, King’s College London.
- The Blessing of Babel: Linguistic Diversity and Human Development. Working Paper 9/2008. Human Development, Capability and Poverty International Research Centre (HDCP-IRC), University of Pavia.
- The Learned and the Sago-Sago: Intralinguistic Misconceptions and Extralinguistic Politics. Proceedings of LINGO 2007 (ed. Kokkonidis, M.). Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford.
Miscellaneous- The Ethics of Linguistic Plurality, Open for Debate, Cardiff University, 2017 (with Matteo Bonotti).
- The Hopeful Purpose of Language/le rôle idéal d'un langage, Portraits de/of Montréal, eds. M. Theimer and T. Carron. (Montreal: Guy Saint-Jean), 2017.
- Language Policy and Political Theory. Special Issue of Language Policy (with Tom Ricento and Peter Ives),13(4) (2014).
- Introduction to the Thematic Issue: Language Policy and Political Theory. Language Policy and Political Theory: special issue of Language Policy (with Tom Ricento and Peter Ives), 13(4), 295-300 (2014).
Book Chapters- Language Policy in Multilingual Societies: Practical Ethics and Ethical Practice. In Language Policy and Planning: State of Research and Future Directions, eds. J. Lo Bianco, A. Lundberg and B. Spolsky. London: Bloomsbury (forthcoming).
- Komplexitätsbasierte normative Ordnungen – Demokratische Verzweiflung und adaptive Hoffnung ("Complexity-Based Normative Orders: Democratic Despair and Adaptive Hope"). In Komplexität – System – Evolution: Eine transdisziplinäre Forschungsperspektive, eds. H. Schwalbe & M. Lutz-Bachmann. Freiburg i.Br. & München: Karl Alber, 2022 (pp. 146-164).
- Introduction: The Idea of Language Ethics as a Field of Inquiry. In Language Ethics, eds. Y. Peled and D. Weinstock. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020 (pp. 3-30).
- The Political Ethics of Linguistic In-Betweenness. In Language Politics and Policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States, ed. T. Ricento, Cambridge University Press, 2019 (pp. 45-59).
- Language Ethics and the Interdisciplinary Challenge. In The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, eds. J. W. Tollefson and M. Pérez-Milans, Oxford University Press, 2018 (pp. 140-161).
- Towards an Adaptive Approach to Linguistic Justice: Three Paradoxes. In Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches, eds. M. Gazzola, T. Tempin and B.-A. Wickström, Springer, 2018 (pp.173-188).
- Marching forward into the Past: Monolingual Multilingualism in Contemporary Political Theory. In Standard Languages and Multilingualism in European History, eds. M. Hüning and U. Vogl, John Benjamins, 2012 (pp. 71-96).
Book Reviews- Review of P. A. Kraus and F. Grin. The Politics of Multilingualism: Europeanisation, Globalisation and Linguistic Governance. Journal of Sociolinguistics 24(3), 407-410 (2020).
- The Domain of Disciplines: Review of H. J. Graff, Undisciplining Knowledge: Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth Century. Science 350, 168 (2015).
- One Tongue to Rule them All? Review of S. L. Montgomery, Does Science Need a Global Language? Science 343, 250-251 (2014).
- Review of S. Pupavac, Language Rights: From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance. Language in Society 43(3), 349-354 (2014).
- Review of P. van Parijs, Linguistic Justice for Europe and for the World. Language Policy 13(4), 413-415 (2014).
Working Papers and Proceedings- Language, Power, Ethics and Superdiversity, Working Papers in Language and Urban Literacies WP179/2015. Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, King’s College London.
- The Blessing of Babel: Linguistic Diversity and Human Development. Working Paper 9/2008. Human Development, Capability and Poverty International Research Centre (HDCP-IRC), University of Pavia.
- The Learned and the Sago-Sago: Intralinguistic Misconceptions and Extralinguistic Politics. Proceedings of LINGO 2007 (ed. Kokkonidis, M.). Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford.
Miscellaneous- The Ethics of Linguistic Plurality, Open for Debate, Cardiff University, 2017 (with Matteo Bonotti).
- The Hopeful Purpose of Language/le rôle idéal d'un langage, Portraits de/of Montréal, eds. M. Theimer and T. Carron. (Montreal: Guy Saint-Jean), 2017.
- The Domain of Disciplines: Review of H. J. Graff, Undisciplining Knowledge: Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth Century. Science 350, 168 (2015).
- One Tongue to Rule them All? Review of S. L. Montgomery, Does Science Need a Global Language? Science 343, 250-251 (2014).
- Review of S. Pupavac, Language Rights: From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance. Language in Society 43(3), 349-354 (2014).
- Review of P. van Parijs, Linguistic Justice for Europe and for the World. Language Policy 13(4), 413-415 (2014).
Working Papers and Proceedings- Language, Power, Ethics and Superdiversity, Working Papers in Language and Urban Literacies WP179/2015. Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, King’s College London.
- The Blessing of Babel: Linguistic Diversity and Human Development. Working Paper 9/2008. Human Development, Capability and Poverty International Research Centre (HDCP-IRC), University of Pavia.
- The Learned and the Sago-Sago: Intralinguistic Misconceptions and Extralinguistic Politics. Proceedings of LINGO 2007 (ed. Kokkonidis, M.). Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford.
Miscellaneous- The Ethics of Linguistic Plurality, Open for Debate, Cardiff University, 2017 (with Matteo Bonotti).
- The Hopeful Purpose of Language/le rôle idéal d'un langage, Portraits de/of Montréal, eds. M. Theimer and T. Carron. (Montreal: Guy Saint-Jean), 2017.
- The Hopeful Purpose of Language/le rôle idéal d'un langage, Portraits de/of Montréal, eds. M. Theimer and T. Carron. (Montreal: Guy Saint-Jean), 2017.